Prof Dr Berit Valentin Eriksen |
Publications |
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Monograph | |
B.V. Eriksen 1991: Change and Continuity in a Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherer Society: A study of cultural adaptation in late glacial – early postglacial southwestern Germany. Archaeologica Venatoria 12. Tübingen |
Edited and co-edited volumes | |
L.G. Straus, B.V. Eriksen, J.M. Erlandson & D.R. Yesner (eds.) 1996: Humans at the End of the Ice Age: The Archaeology of the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition. Plenum Press, Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. New York. | |
B.V. Eriksen & L.G. Straus (eds.) 1998: As the World Warmed: Human Adaptations Across the Pleistocene-Holocene Boundary. Quaternary International vol. 49/50. Oxford. | |
B.V. Eriksen (ed.) 2000: Flintstudier – en håndbog i systematiske analyser af flintinventarer. Aarhus Universitetsforlag. Århus. | |
B.V. Eriksen & B. Bratlund (eds.) 2002: Recent studies in the Final Palaeolithic of the European plain. Proceedings of a U.I.S.P.P. Symposium. Stockholm, 14.-17. October 1999. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 39, Højbjerg. | |
L.E. Fisher & B.V. Eriksen (eds.) 2002: Lithic Raw Material Economies in Late Glacial and Early Postglacial Europe. BAR S1093, Oxford. | |
T. Terberger & B.V. Eriksen (eds.) 2004: Hunters in a changing world – Jäger in einer sich wandelnden Welt. Verlag Marie Leidorf, Rahden/Westfalen. | |
LINK | B.V. Eriksen (ed.) 2006: Stenalderstudier. Tidligt mesolitiske jægere og samlere i Sydskandinavien. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 55, Højbjerg. |
B.V. Eriksen (ed.) 2010: Lithic technology in metal using societies. Proceedings of a UISPP Workshop, Lisbon, September 2006. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 67, Højbjerg. | |
LINK | C.J. Frieman & B.V. Eriksen (eds.) 2015: Flint Daggers in Prehistoric Europe. Oxbow Books. Oxford. |
LINK | B.V. Eriksen, A. Abegg-Wigg, R. Bleile & U. Ickerodt (eds.) 2017: Interaktion ohne Grenzen. Beispiele archäologischer Forschungen am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts – Interaction without borders. Exemplary archaeological research at the beginning of the 21st century, Vol. 1-2 (Schleswig). |
LINK | J.H. Bech, B.V. Eriksen & K. Kristiansen (eds.) 2018: Bronze Age Settlement and Land-Use in Thy, Northwest Denmark, Vol. I-II. Jutland Archaeological Society Publications Vol. 102. Højbjerg. |
LINK | B.V. Eriksen, E. Rensink & S.K. Harris (eds.) 2019: The Final Palaeolithic of Northern Eurasia. Proceedings of the Amersfoort, Schleswig and Burgos UISPP Commission Meetings. Schriften des Museums für Archäologie Schloss Gottorf - Ergänzungsreihe, Band 13. Kiel. |
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